The below statistics details how staff at Next Plc (UK & Eire) currently travel to work, and also details how many staff are yet to provide their travel to work details. 


Travel Sustainably


Drive Alone


Not yet provided travel details

Travel2Next oversee and compiles Travel Plans for a number of sites throughout the business. These plans are submitted  to the local authority’s and loaded onto STARSFor which is a service that allows Travel Plans to be gain accreditation.

Next Head Office was the first company in the UK to achieve a Gold Accreditation for the Travel Plan which was awarded by Modeshift in 2017. This award is valid for three years. In 2018, the Yorkshire Warehouses (Elmsall & Stadium Complex, and Toftshaw Lane) was awarded a silver accreditation which is valid for two years. 

The Travel2Next team consists of one full time staff member whose focus is to deliver sustainable travel options to employees throughout the business. This person reports to the Head of Facilities, Maintenance and Store Services Manager. 

Sarah McAlinden, Head Office Facilities Coordinator oversees the promotion of sustainable travel and produces Travel Plans to all areas of the business in the UK and Eire, updating staff travel records, and sits on the board of Modeshift as an Honorary Expert Practitioner to offer advice to other UK businesses.

John Curry, Sustainable Travel Coordinator oversees the promotion of sustainable travel and updating staff travel records for the Distribution sites.

Ian Bell, Retail Facilities Manager oversees Retail store maintenance and Travel Plans.

Dominic O’Rourke, Group Property Director.

The below figures details how many staff within each four divisions at Next currently travel by a sustainable manner.


Head Office




Online Centres

