The comments below have been provided by staff based at Head Office and by External organisations that Next work alongside with.  If you would like to contribute please contact us with your comments, indicating whether we may publish your name and/or department or not.

I like to car share when I can, I often get a lift in with a colleague and my partner picks me up. I like to do this for two reasons, looking after the environment, and the free Travel Incentive Voucher.

Head Office Staff Member


Next have been a member of Modeshift since 2017, and their Head Office site became the first corporate member to achieve the national Modeshift STARS Gold Accreditation rating. This was shortly followed by achieving the Silver rating for the Yorkshire Warehouses and a Gold Accreditation for the National Travel Plan which covers the entire Next UK Portfolio.

The achievements of Next have been shared at the local, regional and national level in the UK as an example of sustainable travel best practice delivery. Sarah McAlinden, Travel2Next team leader has been instrumental at growing levels of sustainable travel at Next and has presented at numerous Modeshift conferences and events.

It is clear that not only do Next produce Travel Plans but they also continue to deliver sustainable travel to all of their sites, through a variety of means including poster campaigns, email campaigns, social media campaigns and utilising their Travel2Next website.

A number of local authorities, charities and private companies are now working with Next, to engage with staff working at stores and distribution sites within their regions, in which Sarah has gathered information on how staff travel to work, as well as providing data on how close staff live to their work sites.

In 2019 Sarah was invited to sit on the Modeshift external advisory panel where she advise the organisation on its STARS programme and best practice delivery with organisations and business. Sarah also networks with a number of businesses to offer support and advice (both members of Modeshift and non-members of Modeshift).

Next collates a living document that details how staff travel to work throughout the entire portfolio, and reached an impressive 76% response rate from the companies UK and Eire Headcount.

We continue to look forward to supporting Next in the coming years

Ross Butcher Chairman,


I cycle in all weather, rain or shine. the only time I don’t cycle is when I have to attend meetings. My route is approximately a 20 mile return journey. Cycling keeps me fit, and it's a good way to blow away the cobwebs.

Head Office Staff Member

I have worked with Sarah to run Travel Clinics at the three sites based in South Elmsall and Bradford. Together we have worked hard to promote sustainable travel to staff members, which have included communicating with staff of other cultures, and learning how those staff members name certain travel modes.

Nic Whatmuff,
Travel Plan Network

I like to walk as often as possible to work, and usually walk on bad weather days too. It keeps me fit and healthy, and I get voucher which fills my wardrobe with my staff shop purchases.

Store Employee

I travel by train, and then use the free coach service to complete my journey. From getting off the train I only have to wait a minute or two for the free coach to arrive. Using the free coach saves me the additional expense of using taxi’s from the station to work.

Head Office Employee

Next have been registered with us for years. During this time we have used Next as a case study and Travel2Next have taken part in our ongoing research.

Shonna Drummond,
TravelKnowHow - Scotland

I use the Woods coach to travel to work every day. I also bring my child to the nursery on the coach. I find the coach Comfortable and runs on time. It’s a Great Free Service.

We both work at Head Office, but work slightly different shifts. My partner drops me off in the morning, and returns later to start her shift. She then waits in the car at the end of the day for me to finish, and we travel home together. This works well for us, and we can now consider reducing to one car.

Brightkidz is a Social Enterprise and have been working with Travel2Next for the last 12 months. Alison thinks that the sucess of the Travel2Next team is incredible, the hard work they do is paying off.

Alison Holland,

We have worked with Sarah (Travel2Next) for roughly 4 years. Sarah is always finding ways to promote Active Travel within the workplace, including travel Clinics, Dr Bike Sessions and Balance Bike training. Sarah also hosts a “Sharing best practice” forum in which businesses and local authority’s throughout the UK are welcome to attend. Sarah was an early adopter of ModeshiftSTARS and was awarded the first Gold Accreditation in the Country.

Robyn Beauregard,
Leicestershire County Council

I work for Travel South Yorkshire and have worked with Travel2Next to run a series of Travel Clinics at the Doncaster sites. These clinics have been well received by staff members

Denise Marriott,
South Yorkshire Council