Register Your Commute

What is a Travel Plan

A Travel Plan is a package of actions designed by an organisation to encourage safe, healthy and sustainable travel options which are details throughout the Travel2Next website.

By reducing car travel, Travel Plans can improve health and wellbeing, reduce demands on car parks and make a positive contribution to local communities and to the environment.

Next use a platform called ModeshiftStars to produce and monitor Travel Plans for all Next, Lipsy and Victoria's Secrets sites in the UK and Ireland. The ModeshiftStars platform reviews the Travel Plans and awards various levels of accreditation ranging from Green Level to Platinum Level.

Currently (As of July 2022) we have

429 sites awarded as Green level

105 sites awarded as Bronze level

4 Sites awarded as Silver level

7 sites awarded as Gold level.

It is anticipated that all green level sites will reach Bronze level by December 2022

Why We Need You To Register Your Commute

By registering your commute, and any changes to your commute you are helping Next to accurately monitor how staff currently travel to work.

This information helps to report any travel shift changes made at each site. Where there is a reduction is single occupancy car use and an increase in sustainable travel options take, sites can be considered to achieve Silver, Gold or even Platinum level.

It's very easy to register your commute, head to our online forms pages and complete the appropriate form for the division of the business you work for.